Music With Words

A collection of songs with lyrics from Gregg Threlkeld. With several more in the works, stop back for a listen.

Into The Dawn 

Music by M.K. Lyrics by Gregg Threlkeld arranged by M.K.
Into the dawn we go, sun dappled Fall. Caught between forbidden fruit reflection. Escape from this escapade into the dawn. 

Who could reach you when you can’t even gaze long in the mirror.

Long standing fall through the cracks, scattering everything you’re driven by, glass house door. Fading into random thoughts into the dawn.

Who could reach you when you can’t even gaze long in the mirror.

Climb down from this escalation, animosity insanity, want to know everything is reachable into the dawn.

Long standing fall through the cracks, scattering everything you’re driven by, glass house door. Fading into random thoughts into the dawn.

Who could reach you when you can’t even gaze long in the mirror.

Who could reach you when you can’t even gaze long in the mirror.

Climb down from this escalation, animosity insanity, want to know everything is reachable into the dawn.

Into the dawn, into the dawn, into the dawn, into the dawn. 
Into the dawn!

Repercussions in the right brain through a left brain dream

The influence of the left brain upon the right brain often times leads to unpredictable results!

The Book

Like a book, life turns a page everyday. If you’re pondering the last or next page you’re missing the current page.

Don’t forsake me

A text from G

To Time

Open Door

This song was composed sometime during the early 90’s. The voice belongs to Tedd Laury and I provide the instrumentation and lyrics.